Mayowa Lucas – LLB, BL, ACILRM
Lucas is the partner in in charge of secretarial & regulatory compliance services at Regiis Maestro Consulting. He is a graduate of law from the University of Lagos. He was called to bar at the Nigeria law school in 2008. He is also an associate of the Loan and Risk Management of Nigeria.
He is an astute and commensurate legal practitioner with requisite hands-on experience accumulated through 10 years of intense practice both in and out of court.
A thorough bred and seasoned professional whose practice/experience has traversed diver’s aspects of the legal profession with commendable accomplishments.
At Regiis Maestro Consulting, Lucas chaired the responsibilities of secretarial services inter alia corporate incorporations, annual returns filings, share capital & shareholding alteration, arraignment for annual general meetings, extra-ordinary meetings and maintenance of shareholders register of clients, register of debenture holders, mortgages and charges, implementation of board polices formulation, custodian of common seal etc.